CoolLED pE4000

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  • Broadest LED spectrum available: 365-770 nm, with 16 LEDs.
  • 4 channel wavelength-grouping design matches most commercially available dual, triple, and quad filters.
  • Removable inline excitation filter holders: no moving parts for fast acquisition
  • TTL and USB interfaces with major imaging software packages allows incorporation into all experimental parameters.
  • Internal function generator for electrophysiology and optogenetics applications.
  • Analogue inputs for dynamic irradiance control.
  • Instant on/off: No shutters required, no warm up or cool down with stable and repeatable: reliable and consistent results


The CoolLED pE-4000 sets the standard as the universal Illumination System for fluorescence microscopy. The system has 16 selectable LED wavelengths across four channels that can be finely controlled and matched to the filters and fluorophores of almost any microscope, making it the broadest and most versatile illumination system available.  Multiple levels of control are possible, from simple to advanced. A dual mode control pod gives immediate manual control in either White or Advanced modes, where individual LED channels can be individually switched on/off or irradiance modulated.  Alternatively, the USB interface and integration into major microscope software platforms allows complex software control.  TTL control enables capturing high-speed events (<1 ms). Since there is no shutter or filter wheel, without these moving parts, this reduced latency means speed is limited only by the camera.  An expansion box is also available for added functionality with multiple BNC connections for remote analogue and TTL control.  For optogenetics applications, alongside the ability to include excitation filters to tune the wavelength to the opsin’s maximum activation peak, an internal function generator controls pulse timing and waveforms.  With the pE-4000, it is now possible to prevent artefacts and allow live samples to thrive in experiments >100 hours. Fine control of illumination timing and irradiance with TTL and the function generator minimizes exposure, avoiding photobleaching and phototoxicity.  Full filter compatibility and 256 wavelength combinations from 16 installed LEDs (365 nm -770 nm) covers all available fluorophores, which is ideal for multi-user facilities or evolving experimental needs.  Up to four channels using distinct wavelengths can be captured with no mechanical movement, preventing pixel shift and allowing the direct comparison of data.  The pE-4000 includes 16 LEDs grouped into four individually controllable channels, and this unique Wavelength Grouping Concept makes it possible to deliver more power in an efficient four-channel system. As the first company to introduce LED microscope lighting for fluorescence microscopy, CoolLED has developed a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of configuring and selecting filter sets for experiments using multiple fluorophores. CoolLED’s innovation comes from recognizing that all the fluorophores used in multi-band work can have their absorption bands divided into four separate groups across the spectrum due to the restricted bandwidth available.


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