Lumencor SOLA

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The four SOLA Light Engine models are primarily distinguished by spectral output:

  • SOLA Light Engine provides white light output for excitation of DAPI, GFP/FITC, YFP, Cy3, mCherry, Cy5 and spectrally similar fluorophores.
  • SOLA FISH Light Engine, output in the 475–600 nm region is red-shifted to provide optimal excitation for SpectrumGreenâ„¢, SpectrumRedâ„¢ and other fluorophores commonly used for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis in cytogenetic testing laboratories.
  • SOLA V–N and U–N Light Engines offer the broadest spectral coverage, including near infrared (nIR) output for excitation of fluorophores such as Cy7 and ICG, and for other applications that benefit from the enhanced tissue penetration of nIR light.


Lumencor’s four-strong family of SOLA Light Engines are the market leaders in modern solid-state illumination for microscopy and other life science applications. Why tolerate the limitations of an archaic mercury or metal halide lamp on your microscope when such a reliable and technically superior replacement is readily available.  Lumencor’s solid-state replacement for the traditional yet unsustainable mercury-containing arc lamp is a step above. SOLAs satisfy the spectral requirement of a metal halide bulb and can be tailored to provide the wavelengths of import to your experimental needs. Lumencor can match or exceed the optical power of a lamp. And, our SOLAs offer a stable, cool, long-lived lamp alternative. Moreover, the solid-state SOLA has documented lifetimes on the order of 15 years with no replacement parts.  Before deciding if any LED alternative is worthy of your attention, consider some important technical challenges for your solid-state lamp purchase.  Can you gently and efficiently excite GFP while minimizing phototoxicity?  Can you collect adequate emission from the full spectrum of probes you use today and may need in the future?  Does it matter to you that Lumencor guarantees each Light Engine provides the same performance?  Do you care if your lamp response is linear in optical power?  Do you want a cool, quiet, consistent illuminator you can install and then essentially forget about for more than a decade?  All SOLA Light Engine models provide both manual and electronic control of light output on/off status and electronically controlled linear output intensity adjustment. The user interfaces for these illuminator controls are an optional control pod accessory or one of several supporting software packages on a USB-connected computer. SOLA Light Engines contain no parts requiring replacement or alignment, need no routine maintenance and have a typical working lifetime of ten years, far exceeding that of any microscope lamp.



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